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科技部科學教育實作學門複審會 委員
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教育部自然領域中央輔導團 常務委員 -
[1]Chien-hsin Chen, Yu-ling Lu, Chi-jui Lien (2012). The Effectiveness of Using a Computer Educational Game on Students’ Concept Learning in Mangrove Environmental Education. Lecture Notes in Information Technology, 23-24, 80-85.(EI). ISBN:978-1-61275-014-9;ISSN:2070-1918
[4]Yu-Ling Lu, Ie-Bin Lian, Chi-Jui Lien(2015). The application of the analytic hierarchy process for evaluating creative products in science class and its modification for educational evaluation. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 13 (2), 413-435. ISSN:1571-0068. (SSCI).
[6]Kai-Wei Hu, Yu-Ling Lu(2017). Learning effectiveness of using interactive teaching materials on forth graders’ scientific concepts and argumentation ability. In IATED Academy(Ed), EDULEARN17 Proceedings (browse), 450-453. Location: Barcelona, Spa(9th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies). doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2017.1096
[7]Yu-Ling Lu, & Chi-Jui Lien (2019). Are They Learning or Playing? Students’ Perception Traits and Their Learning Self-Efficacy in a Game-Based Learning Environment. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 0 (0), 1-31. doi: 10.1177/0735633118820684. (SSCI).
[8]Yen-Chieh Chen, Yu-Ling Lu, & Chi-Jui Lien(2019). Learning environments with different levels of technological engagement: A comparison of game-based, video-based, and traditional instruction on students’ learning. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-17. doi:10.1080 / 10494820.2019.1628781.(SSCI)
[9]Huei-Ying Ho, Tzyh- Lee Chang,Tsu-Nan Lee, Chin-Cheng Chou, Shih-Hui Hsiao, u-Hsiang Chen, Yu-Ling Lu (2019). Above- and below-average students think differently: Their scientific argumentation patterns. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 34, 1-10. doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2019.100607. (SSCI)
[10]Hsiao-Lin Tuan, Yu-Ling Lu (2019.). Science teacher education in Taiwan: past, present, and future. Asia-Pacific Science Education, 5(1), 5:15. doi:10.1186/s41029-019-0044-9. ISSN 2364-1177 (online) (ESCI)
[11]Show-Run Lee, Yu-Ling Lu, & Chi-Jui Lien (2019). Students ‘and teachers’ perception of scientific models: transition from daily to scientific language. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 18 (6), 892-906. doi: 10.33225/jbse/19.18.892. (SSCI)
[12]Yu-Ling Lu, & Chi-Jui Lien (2020). Are They Learning or Playing? Students’ Perception Traits and Their Learning Self-Efficacy in a Game-Based Learning Environment. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 57(8), 1879-1909. doi: 10.1177/0735633118820684. (SSCI)
[13]Chen-Yu Chen, Hui-Ju Huang, Chi-Jui Lien, & Yu-Ling Lu (2020). Effects of Multi-Genre Digital Game-Based Instruction on Students’ Conceptual Understanding, Argumentation Skills, and Learning Experiences. IEEE Access, 8, 110643-110655. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3000659. (SSCI)
[14]Shu-Fen Wu, Yu-Ling Lu, & Chi-Jui Lien(2021).Detecting Students’ Flow States and Their Construct Through Electroencephalogram: Reflective Flow Experiences, Balance of Challenge and Skill, and Sense of Control. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 58(8), 1515-1540. doi.org/10.1177/0735633120944084. (SSCI)
[15]Shu-Fen Wu, Yu-Ling Lu, & Chi-Jui Lien(2021).Measuring Effects of Techonlogical Interactivity Levels on Flow with Electroencephalogram. IEEE Access, 9, 85813-85822. doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3088151. (SCIE)
[16]Chin-San Lin , Yu-Ling Lu , Chi-Jui Lien (2021). Association between Test Item's Length, Difficulty, and Students' Perceptions: Machine Learning in Schools' Term Examinations. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 9(6), 1323-1332. doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3088151
[17]Shu-Fen Wu, C.H. Kao, Yu-Ling Lu, & Chi-Jui Lien (2022). A Method Detecting Student's Flow Construct during School Tests through Electooencephalograms(EEGs): Factors of Cognitive Load, Self-Efficacy, Difficulty, and Performanca. Applied Sciences, 12(23), 12248. doi.org/10.3390/App122312248
[1]Ching-Jung Hsia, Hsueh-Ming Liao, Yu-ling Lu*, Chi-jui Lien , Chien-Ju Li(2015). Developing an Assessment Instrument for Evaluating Fifth and Sixth Grader’s Scientific Literacy and Using it to Explore the Gender Equity in Taiwan. Paper presented at the International Conference of East-Asian Science Education (2015 EASE), Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
[2]Chih-Jen Ke, Yu-ling Lu*, Chi-jui Lien , Wen-Tsen Luo(2015). Influence of situated e-learning on grade school children’s cognitive. Paper presented at the International Conference of East-Asian Science Education (2015 EASE), Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
[3]Chin-San Lin, Yu-Ling Lu, Chi-Jui Lien(2015). The preliminary analysis of dissertations and theses on the topic of “digital game-based learning” in Taiwan’s science education. Paper presented at the International Conference of East-Asian Science Education (2015 EASE), Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
[4]陳姸潔、陳貞伃、盧玉玲(2015)。不同數位媒材對學生科學概念及論證能力學習之影響。發表於國立高雄師範大學主辦,第十一屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(2015 TWELF),國立高雄師範大學。
[5]陳俐俐、盧玉玲(2015)。數位學習與傳統教學對國小四年級學童科學能力學習成效之比較。發表於國立高雄師範大學主辦,第十一屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(2015 TWELF),國立高雄師範大學。
[6]謝佩倫、盧玉玲(2015)。不同的數位教材介入策略對學習成效之影響 -以「水的移動」單元為例。發表於國立高雄師範大學主辦,第十一屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(2015 TWELF),國立高雄師範大學。
[7]Yu-Xiang Chen, Yu-Ling Lu(2015)。The Development of Scientific Argumentation Scale on Elementary School Students. 發表於國立高雄師範大學、中華民國科學教育學會主辦,第31屆科學教育國際研討會,屏東恆春。
[8]Kai-Wei Hu, Yu-Ling Lu(2015). The Research of Scientific Concepts and Argumentation Ability of Elementary School Students by Using Interactive Teaching Materials for E-learning-a case of “the water flow”. 發表於國立高雄師範大學、中華民國科學教育學會主辦,第31屆科學教育國際研討會,屏東恆春。
[9]Chen-Yu Chen, Yen-Chieh Chen, Yu-Ling Lu (2015)。The Research of Students’ Scientific Concepts and Argumentation Ability with Different Academic Achievement by Using Situated E-Learning Educational Short Clip with APP. 發表於國立高雄師範大學、中華民國科學教育學會主辦,第31屆科學教育國際研討會,屏東恆春。
[10]Yu-Ling Lu* and Chi-Jui Lien (2016). Studies for Facilitating Students’ Learning of Science—Symposium of Association of Science Education in Taiwan (ASET). Paper presented at the International Conference of East-Asian Science Education (2016 EASE), Tokyo University of science, Tokyo, Japan.
[11]Yu-Ling Lu*, Chi-Jui Lien, Wen-Tsen Luo, and Chien-Ju Li (2016). Students Performance in Different Format of Evaluations: Digital vs. Paper-pencil Tests. Paper presented at the International Conference of East-Asian Science Education (2016 EASE), Tokyo University of science, Tokyo, Japan.
[12]Yu-Ling Lu*, Chi-Jui Lien, Chien-Ju Li, and Wen-Tsen Luo (2016). Developing an Instrument for Assessing Senior Elementary Students' Understanding on Microalgae Biomass Energy. Paper presented at the International Conference of East-Asian Science Education (2016 EASE), Tokyo University of science, Tokyo, Japan.
[13]Chen-Yu Chen* and Yu-Ling Lu (2016). Study of Using Computer Educational Games to Improve Students’ Learning of Scientific Concept and Scientific Argumentation. Paper presented at the International Conference of East-Asian Science Education (2016 EASE), Tokyo University of science, Tokyo, Japan.
[14]Chin-San Lin*, Yu-Ling Lu, and Chi-Jui Lien (2016). Using Electroencephalography to Explore Students’ Attention and Relaxation Levels during Science Test. Paper presented at the International Conference of East-Asian Science Education (2016 EASE), Tokyo University of science, Tokyo, Japan
[15]Show-Run Lee*and Yu-Ling Lu(2016) Elementary Students’ Perception toward Scientific Models. Paper presented at the International Conference of East-Asian Science Education (2016 EASE), Tokyo University of science, Tokyo, Japan.
[16]Ting-Ju Shu and Yu-Ling Lu (2016). The Effects of Linear and Non–linear Computer Games on Students’ Learning of Scientific Concept and Argumentation. Paper presented at The 2016 Prague International Academic Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
[19]邱進坤、盧玉玲(2016)。不同情境式教學策略對國小學童新興科技學習成效之初探---以「微藻生質能源」為例。發表於台灣教育傳播暨科技學會主辦,台灣教育傳播暨科技學會2016年學術研討會(TEACT 2016),臺北。
[20]Kai-Wei Hu, Yu-Ling Lu(2017). Learning effectiveness of using interactive teaching materials on forth graders’ scientific concepts and argumentation ability. Paper presented at 9th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain.
[21]Kai-Hsin Wang , Yu-Ling Lu(2017). The Effectiveness of History-of-Science-based Course on Fifth Graders’ Learning of Nature of Science and Scientific Concept with a Digital Game Based Learning Environment. Paper presented at 7th Network for Inter-Asian Chemistry Educators (NICE 2017), Seoul, Korea.
[22]Show-Run Lee, Yu-Ling Lu(2017). Elementary Teachers’ Perceptions toward Scientific Model. Paper presented at 第八屆全球華人探究學習創新應用大會(GCCIL2017), 成都, 四川.
[26]Show-Run Lee, Yu-Ling Lu(2017). Elementary Teachers’ Perceptions toward Energy Technology. Paper presented at 2017台灣教育研究學會學術研討會,高雄國立中山大學。
[27]Yen-Chieh Chen ,Yu-Ling Lu (2018)Comparative Effectiveness of Different Media on Students’ Growth of Argumentation Skills: Game-based, Film-based and Traditional Instructions. Paper presented at ASERA 2018 Conference, Gold Coast, Australia.
[28]Ting-Ju Hsu , Yu-Ling Lu(2018)The Comparative Effect of Verification and Falsification Teaching Models on Elementary Student’s Argumentation Skills. Paper presented at 2018 2nd International Conference on Education and Distance Learning (ICEDL 2018), Nice, France.
[34]Hsuan-Hsi Chen, Yu-ling Lu (2018). The Effect of Differentiated Instruction of Homogeneous Group in Elementary Science Classes. Paper presented at 2018 International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education (2018 EASE), National Dong Hwa University, Hualien.
[35]Chin-San Lin, Chi-Jui Lien, &Yu-ling Lu (2018). The Number of Words and Item Difficulty Analysis in Science Achievement Tests of Seventh Graders. Paper presented at 2018 International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education (2018 EASE), National Dong Hwa University, Hualien.
[36]Shu Fen Wu, Yu-ling Lu (2018). The Impact of Three Digital Assessment Models on Learning Effectiveness of Students with Differed Learning Achievements - Flow Defined by Brain Wave Measurement. Paper presented at 2018 International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education (2018 EASE), National Dong Hwa University, Hualien.
[37]Shu Fen Wu, Chi-Jui Lien, & Yu-ling Lu (2019). Measuring Student’s. Flow Experience with EEG in Science Learning Context: Balance of Challenge-skill, Student’s Performance and Flow. 發表於國立臺灣師範大學、中華民國科學教育學會主辦,2019第35屆科學教育國際研討會,臺北。
[38]Hsuan-His Chen, Yu-ling Lu (2019). When Students Learning Science with More Autonomy: Giving Fifth Granders Learning Choices in “ Starry Sky” Activities. 發表於國立臺灣師範大學、中華民國科學教育學會主辦,2019第35屆科學教育國際研討會,臺北。
[39]莊雅婷、盧玉玲(2020)。數位科技融入教學對國小六年級學生科學聚斂性思考及微生物與食物保存概念學習之影響。發表於TANET 2020臺灣網際網路研討會,國立臺灣大學綜合體育館,臺北市。
[42]邱贊全、盧玉玲(2020)。以探究實驗和 AR 遊戲提升學生的學習投入-以小學自然科空氣與燃燒單元為例。發表於國立高雄師範大學、中華民國科學教育學會主辦,2020第36屆科學教育國際研討會,國立科學工藝博物館南館,高雄。
[45]Chao-Fang Yang, Yu-Ling Lu (2021). Learn science in first- or third-person perspectives? Effects on students’ growth on scientific knowledge and argumentation skills. Paper presented at 2021 on-line International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education (2021 EASE), Shizuoka University, Shizuoka,Japan.
[48]Yu-Hsin Lin, Yu-Ling Lu (2022).Does Science Learning with storyline design picture books help Improve Science Literacy?. Paper presented at 2022 on-line International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education (2022 EASE), Daegu, Korea.
111年度科技部專題研究計畫:跨文化的雙語自然數位數位遊戲教材研發與成效【2022/08/01-2025/07/31;111-2410-H-152-001 -MY3】
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110年度科技部專題研究計畫:科普活動:澎湖、馬祖離島科學傳送:島嶼環境特色與在地文化之科學數位學習及探究實作教材開發與推廣(主題三)【2021/08/01-2022/07/31;MOST 110-2515-S-152-002 -】
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105年度科技部專題研究計畫:創新情境式綠色能源前瞻科技數位學習之教材發展、應用與推廣(2/3)【2016/07/01-2017/08/31;MOST 105-2514-S-152-001 -】
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103年度科技部專題研究計畫:提升國小四到六年級中低學習成就學生科學素養能力之科學教學與學校生根研究─新春雨計畫(科學教育培龍計畫)【2014/08/01-2017/10/31;MOST 103-2511-S-152 -011 -MY3】
102年度科技部專題研究計畫:中小學學生科學素養之情境式數位評量系統及內容研發【2013/08/01-2015/10/31;NSC 102-2511-S-152 -010 -MY2】
[1]Yu-ling Lu, Chi-Jui Lien. (2015.8). Elementary Science Education in Taiwan-From the Perspective of International Comparison. In M.-H. Chiu (Eds.), Science education research and practices in Taiwan (pp.163-180). The Netherlands: Springer Verlag. Yu-ling Lu, Chi-Jui Lien. Elementary Science Education in Taiwan-From the Perspective of International Comparison. Science Education Research and Practices in Taiwan: Challenges and Opportunities (ISBN: 978-981-287-471-9). Springer Verlag. Aug, 2015: 163-180.
[2]Hisashi Otsuji, Phil Seok Oh, Chang Chun Lin, Winnie So Wing Mui, Yu Ling Lu.(2016.5). Primary School Science Teacher Training in East-Asia: In the Continuous Reforming for the Quality Assurance. In Huann-Shyang Lin, John K. Gilbert, Chi-Jui Lien (Eds.), Science Education Research and Practice in East Asia: Trends and Perspective (pp. 245-272). Taiwan: Higher Education Publishing. (ISBN: 978-986-266-151-2).
[4]盧玉玲(2020.12)。第八章 科學探究的輔助工具及應用。載於黃鴻博等(合著),素養導向系列叢書:國小自然科學教材教法(145-162頁)。臺北市:教育部。
[5]盧玉玲(2020.12)。第九章 教學環境規劃與活動管理。載於黃鴻博等(合著),素養導向系列叢書:國小自然科學教材教法(145-162頁)。臺北市:教育部。
[6]盧玉玲(2020.12)。第十章 自然科學領域的教學資源。載於黃鴻博等(合著),素養導向系列叢書:國小自然科學教材教法(145-162頁)。臺北市:教育部。