



  • 職稱:教授兼任系主任

  • 聯絡電話:02-27321104 ext 63304(系辦公室)、 53461 (研究室)、 63305 (實驗室)

  • 電子郵件:kclee@tea.ntue.edu.tw

  • 研究專長:材料化學、奈米生物醫學、孔洞材料、能源電容、科學教育

  • 學歷


  • 經歷

    國立臺北教育大學 自然科學教育學系 教授兼系主任 (2023/8 ~ 迄今)
    國立臺北教育大學 自然科學教育學系 教授 (2021/8 ~ 迄今)
    國立臺北教育大學 自然科學教育學系 副教授 (2017/8 ~ 2021/7)
    國立臺北教育大學 自然科學教育學系 助理教授 (2015/8 ~ 2017/7)
    高雄醫學大學 香粧品學系 助理教授 (2013/8 ~ 2015/7)
    美國加州理工學院 化學與化工學院 博士後研究學者 (2010/11 ~ 2012/7)

  • 授課領域:化學、儀器分析
  • 研究室:科學館310B室
  • 實驗室:科學館203室


  1. Min Li, Chien Chang, Tseng-Yu Yeh, Tung-Yu Lee, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Er-Chieh Cho*, Molecular characterizations of nanodiamond and related carbon-based nanomaterials in the human cell line and zebrafish models, Diamond and Related Materials, 152, 111946, 2025. (SCI, IF:4.3)
  2. Chao-Jan Liu, Jung-Hua Lin, Man-Tzu Li, Er-Chieh Cho* and Kuen-Chan Lee*, Post-therapy via integrated curcumin and doxorubicin modified cerium-based UiO-66 MOFs using an antioxidant and anticancer therapeutic strategy, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 12, 11983-11995, 2024. (SCI, IF:6.1)
  3. Jung-Hua Lin, Li Chen, Er-Chieh Cho,*, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Influence of Bonding Variance on Electron Affinity in Graphene Quantum Dot-Barium Titanate Nanocomposites for Drug Delivery System, FlatChem, 47, 100713, 2024. (SCI, IF:5.9)
  4. Kuen-Chan Lee, Shih-Chieh Hsu, Jen-Hsien Huang, Kuan-Syun Wang, Wei Kong Pang, Chih-Wei Hu, Yi-Jhen Jiang, Er-Chieh Cho*, Huei Chu Weng*, Ting-Yu Liu*, Construction of dual Z-scheme Ag3VO4–BiVO4/InVO4 photocatalysts using vanadium source from spent catalysts for contaminated water treatment and bacterial inactivation, Chemosphere, 363, 142746, 2024. (SCI, IF:8.1)
  5. Joseph Lin, Jung-Hua Lin, Tseng-Yu Yeh, Jia-Huei Zheng, Er-Chieh Cho,*, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Fabrication of Hyaluronic Acid with Graphene Quantum Dot as a Dual Drug Delivery System for Cancer Therapy, FlatChem, 44, 100607, 2024. (SCI, IF:5.9)
  6. Yi-Lun Chen, Li Chen, Ming-Yen Sung, Jung-Hua Lin, Chao-Jan Liu, Chih-Jou Kuo, Er-Chieh Cho,*, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Environment-Friendly Organic Coordination Design of Z-Scheme Heterojunction N-BOB/BiOIO3 for Efficient LED-Light-Driven Photocatalytic and Electrochemical Performance, Chemosphere, 341, 140101, 2023. (SCI, IF:8.8)
  7. Kuen-Chan Lee, Yu-Sheng Hsiao, Ming-Yen Sung, Yi-Lun Chen, Nian-Jheng Wu, Jen-Hsien Huang, Er-Chieh Cho*, Huei Chu Weng*, Shih-Chieh Hsu*, MOF-derived spinel NiMn2O4/CoMn2O4 heterojunction and its application in a high-performance photocatalyst and supercapacitor, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11, 5, 110762, 2023. (SCI, IF:7.7)
  8. Er-Chieh Cho, Yu-Sheng Hsiao, Jen-Hsien Huang, Ming-Yen Sung, Yi-Lun Chen, Nian-Jheng Wu, Shih-Chieh Hsu*, Huei Chu Weng*, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Construction of BiVO4/Bi2WO6/WO3 heterojunctions with improved photocatalytic capability in elimination of dye and antibiotics and inactivation of E. coli, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. E., 149, 104991, 2023. (SCI, IF:5.7)
  9. Yi-Lun Chen, Guang-Yu Lee, Di-Wei Tang, Keith Huang, Pei-Ying Lo, Jen-Hsien Huang, Er-Chieh Cho*, Kuen-Chan Lee*, 2-Mercaptoimidazole Selectively Etching and Thiol-Functionalized ZIF-8 Metal-Organic Framework to Serve as a Multifaceted Platform for Radical Scavenging and Au Loading, Materials Today Chemistry, 27, 101259, 2023. (SCI, IF:7.613)
  10. Er-Chieh Cho, Cai-Wan Chang-Jian, Jen-Hsien Huang, Tzu-Yen Huang, Nian-Jheng Wu, Man-Tzu Li, Yi-Lun Chen, Shih-Chieh Hsu,* Huei Chu Weng,* and Kuen-Chan Lee*, Preparation of Ni(OH)2/CuO heterostructures for improved photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants and microorganism, Chemosphere, 300, 134484, 2022. (SCI, IF:8.943)
  11. Guang-Yu Lee, Pei-Ying Lo, Er-Chieh Cho, Jia-Huei Zheng, Min Li, Jen-Hsien Huang, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Integration of PEG and PEI with graphene quantum dots to fabricate pH-responsive nanostars for colon cancer suppression in vitro and in vivo, FlatChem, 31, 100320, 2022. (SCI, IF:5.829)
  12. Yi-Lun Chen, Guang-Yu Lee, Ming-Yen Sung, Jen-Hsien Huang, Er-Chieh Cho*, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Versatile Functionalization of P25 Conjugated ND Nanocomposites for UV-Mediated Free Radical Scavenging and Facilitates Anti-Inflammation Potential in Human Cells, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13, 33, 39088–39099, 2021. (SCI, IF:9.229)
  13. Er-Chieh Cho, Cai-Wan Chang-Jian, Jen-Hsien Huang, Guang-Yu Lee, Wei-Hung Hung, Ming-Yen Sung, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Huei Chu Weng*, Wei-Lin Syu, Yu-Sheng Hsiao*, and Chih-Ping Chen*, Co2+-Doped BiOBrxCl1-x Hierarchical Microspheres Display Enhanced Visible-Light Photocatalytic Performance in the Degradation of Rhodamine B and Antibiotics and the Inactivation of E. coli. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 402, 123457, 2021. (SCI, IF:10.588)
  14. Pei-Ying Lo, Guang-Yu Lee, Jia-Huei Zheng, Jen-Hsien Huang, Er-Chieh Cho*, Kuen-Chan Lee*, GFP plasmid and chemoreagent conjugated with graphene quantum dots as a novel gene delivery platform for colon cancer inhibition in vitro and in vivo. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 3, 9, 5948-5956, 2020.
  15. Guang-Yu Lee, Er-Chieh Cho, Pei-Ying Lo, Jia-Huei Zheng, Jen-Hsien Huang, Yi-Lun Chen, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Simultaneous formation of Bi2O2(OH)(NO3)/BiOBr ultrathin hierarchical microspheres for effectively promoting visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity in environmental remediation, Chemosphere, 258, 127384, 2020. (SCI, IF:7.086)
  16. Pei-Ying Lo, Guang-Yu Lee, Jia-Huei Zheng, Jen-Hsien Huang, Er-Chieh Cho*, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Intercalating pyrene with polypeptide as a novel self-assembly nano-carrier for colon cancer suppression in vitro and in vivo, Materials Science & Engineering C, 109, 110593, 2020. (SCI, IF:7.328)
  17. Kuen-Chan Lee, Yi-Lun Chen, Chien-Chen Wang, Jen-Hsien Huang, Er-Chieh Cho*, Refluxed Esterification of Fullerenes Conjugated P25 TiO2 Promotes Free Radical Scavenging Capacity and Facilitates Anti-aging Potentials in Human Cells, ACS Appl. Mat. Interfaces, 11(1), 311-319, 2019. (SCI, IF:9.229)
  18. Wei-Hung Hung, Jia-Huei Zheng, Kuen-ChanLee*, Er-Chieh Cho*, Doxorubicin conjugated AuNP/biopolymer composites facilitate cell cycle regulation and exhibit superior tumor suppression potential in KRAS mutant colorectal cancer, Journal of Biotechnology, 306, 149-158, 2019. (SCI, IF:3.307)
  19. Kuen-Chan Lee, Pei-Ying Lo, Guang-Yu Lee, Jia-Huei Zheng, Er-Chieh Cho*, Carboxylated carbon nanomaterials in cell cycle and apoptotic cell death regulation, Journal of Biotechnology, 296, 14-21, 2019. (SCI, IF:3.307)
  20. Er-Chieh Cho, Cai-Wan Chang-Jian, Jia-Huei Zheng, Jen-Hsien Huang, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Bo-Cheng Ho, Yu-Sheng Hsiao, Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of TiO2/WS2 Heterojunctions with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. E., 91, 489-498, 2018. (SCI, IF:5.876)
  21. Er-Chieh Cho, Cai-Wan Chang-Jian, Hsin-Chou Chen, Kao-Shuh Chuang, Jia-Huei Zheng, Yu-Sheng Hsiao, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Jen-Hsien Huang, Robust multifunctional superhydrophobic coatings with enhanced water/oil separation, self-cleaning, anti-corrosion, and anti-biological adhesion, Chemical Engineering Journal, 314, 347-357, 2017. (SCI, IF:13.273)
  22. Er-Chieh Cho, Cai-Wan Chang-Jian, Yu-Sheng Hsiao*, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Jen-Hsien Huang*, Interfacial engineering of melamine sponges using hydrophobic TiO2 nanoparticles for effective oil/water separation, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. E., 67, 476-483, 2016. (SCI, IF:5.876)
  23. Kai-Cheng Yang, Jia-Huei Zheng, Yen-Ling Chen*, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Er-Chieh Cho*, Carboxyfullerene decorated titanium dioxide nanomaterials for reactive oxygen species scavenging activities, RSC Adv., 6, 53025-53033, 2016. (SCI, IF:3.361)
  24. Er-Chieh Cho, Kuen-Chan Lee*, and Jen-Hsien Huang, Few-layer Graphene Based Sponge as a Highly Efficient, Recyclable and Selective Sorbents for Organic Solvents and Oils, RSC Adv., 5, 53741-53748, 2015. (SCI, IF:3.361)
  25. Er-Chieh Cho, Jing-Hao Ciou, Jia-Huei Zheng, Job Pan, Yun Yen, Kuen-Chan Lee*, and Jen-Hsien Huang, Fullerene C70 decorated TiO2 nanowires for visible-light-responsive photocatalyst, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2015. (SCI, IF:6.707)
  26. Er-Chieh Cho, Chiu-Ping Li, Jui-Hsiung Huang, Kuen-Chan Lee*, and Jen-Hsien Huang, Three-Dimensional conductive nanocomposites based on multiwalled carbon nanotube networks and PEDOT:PSS as a flexible transparent electrode for optoelectronics, ACS Appl. Mat. Interfaces, 7, 11668-11676, 2015. (SCI, IF:9.229)
  27. Er-Chieh Cho, Jui-Hsiung Huang, Chiu-Ping Li, Cai-Wan Chang-Jian, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Jen-Hsien Huang, The optoelectronic properties and applications of solution-processable titanium oxide nanoparticle, Org Electron, 18, 126-134, 2015. (SCI, IF:3.721)
  28. Jui-Hsiung Huang, Chiu-Ping Li, Cai-Wan Chang-Jian, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Jen-Hsien Huang, Preparation and characterization of high refractive index silicone/TiO2 nanocomposites for LED encapsulants, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. E., 46, 168-175, 2015. (SCI, IF:5.876)
  29. Hsueh-Liang Chu, Weng-Sing Hwang, Cheng-Li Wang, Moo-Chin Wang, Kuen-Chan Lee, Hong-Hsin Huang, Huey-Er Lee, Thermal behavior and phase transformation of ZrO2-​10​%SiO2 precursor powder prepared by a co-​precipitation route without adding stability agent, J. Alloys Compd., 616, 413-419, 2014. (SCI, IF:5.316)
  30. Jen-Hsien Huang, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Highly stable, solution-processable phenothiazine derivative as hole collection material in organic solar cells, ACS Appl. Mat. Interfaces, 6, 7680-7685, 2014. (SCI, IF:9.229)
  31. 3Huey-Jiuan Lin, Tien-Syh Yang, Chi-Shiung Hsi, Moo-Chin Wang, Kuen-Chan Lee, Optical and photocatalytic properties of Fe3þ-doped TiO2 thin films prepared by a sol-gel spin coating, Ceram. Int., 40, 10633-10640, 2014. (SCI, IF:4.527)
  32. Hsueh-Liang Chu, Cheng-Li Wang, Weng-Sing Hwang, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Xuedong Zhou, Moo-Chin Wang*, Kinetics of phase transformation and optical property of pink coral zirconia powders, J. Alloys Compd., 601, 307-318, 2014. (SCI, IF:5.316)
  33. Chih-Wei Kuo, Kuen-Chan Lee, Feng-Lin Yen, Yun-Hwei Shen, Huey-Er Lee, Shaw-Bing Wen, Moo-Chin Wang, Margaret Mary Stack, Growth kinetics of tetragonal and monoclinic ZrO2 crystallites in 3 mol% yttria partially stabilized ZrO2 (3Y-PSZ) precursor powder, J. Alloys Compd., 592, 288-295, 2014. (SCI, IF:5.316)
  34. Gordon K.-C. Lee, S.-Y. Kwok, C. H. Yu, K. Tam, H.-C. Chong, Y.-C. Leung, S. C. Edman Tsang, Immobilization of Engineered Arginase on Gold-Carbon Nanotubes, Chem. Comm., 48, 7693-7695, 2012. (SCI, IF:6.222)


  1. Yi-Lun Chen, Li Chen, Er-Chieh Cho*, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Utilizing selective etching with 2-mercaptoimidazole and thiol-functionalization of ZIF-8 MOF into a versatile platform for radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory. ECB 2024 European Congress on Biotechnology, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2024.
  2. Jung-Hua Lin, Er-Chieh Cho*, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Analyzing the Influence of Bonding Variations on Electron Affinity in Graphene Quantum Dot-Barium Titanate Nanocomposites for Drug Delivery Systems. International Conference on Molecular Biotechnology and Life Sciences (ICMBLS-2024), Rome, Italy, 2024.
  3. Tseng-Yu Yeh, Er-Chieh Cho*, Kuen-Chan Lee*, A simple green design of modification of doxorubicin onto GQD-nanogold composite for the inhibition of colon cancer. The 6th International Symposium of Materials on Regenerative Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan, 2023.
  4. Yi-Lun Chen, Er-Chieh Cho*, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Research of Functionalization of TiO2-Nanodiamond composites for scavenging UV-induced free radicals and suppressing inflammatory signaling in human cells. 2022 TwIChE, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022.
  5. Chao-Jan Liu, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Er-Chieh Cho*, Modified UiO-66 metal organic frameworks: a potential carrier for antioxidant. The 3rd International Symposium on Engineering and Technology (ISET 2021), Taichung, Taiwan, 2021.
  6. Wei-Hung Hung, Kuen-Chan Lee, Er-Chieh Cho* , Colon cancer inhibition evaluation and mechanism study of a novel biopolymer conjugated gold nanoparticle system as chemo-reagent carrier.. 10th International Conference on Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics (ICBBB 2020), Kyoto, Japan, 2020.
  7. Kuen-Chan Lee, Er-Chieh Cho*, Evaluation of various types of carbon nanomaterials in regulating apoptosis in human cells. 3rd International Conference on Applied Surface Science, Pisa, Italy, 2019.
  8. Joseph Lin, Jia-Huei Zheng, Er-Chieh Cho, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Hyaluronic acid (HA) encapsulated graphene quantum dot (GQD) polymeric nanoparticles as potential drug delivery system for cancer therapeutics. 11th European and Global Summit for Clinical Nanomedicine, Targeted Delivery and Precision Medicine, Basel, Switzerland, 2018.
  9. Pei-Ying Lo, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Er-Chieh Cho*, Biopolymer Chitosan-Carbon Nanomaterial Conjugates as the Platform of Biomedical Uses and Toxicity Evaluation. Non-Invasive Delivery of Macromolecules Conference 2017, San Diego, USA, 2017.
  10. Pei-Ying Lo, Jing-Hao Ciou, Kai-Cheng Yang, Jia-Huei Zheng, Shih-Hsiang Huang, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Er-Chieh Cho*, Polypeptide Modified Carbon Nanotubes – Mediated GFP Gene Transfection for H1299 Cells and Toxicity Assessment. 18th International Conference on Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine, San Diego, USA, 2016.
  11. Jing-Hao Ciou, Kai-Cheng Yang, Yu-Shi Liu, Po-Wei Chen, Shin-Shien Chen, Christoph G. Salzmann, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Er-Chieh Cho*, Biocompatible carbon nanotube/polypeptide hybrids as the platform of biomedical applications and toxicity assessment. 2nd Edition of Nanotech Dubai 2015 International Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2015.
  12. Kai-Cheng Yang, Jing-Hao Ciou, Yu-Shi Liu, Po-Wei Chen, Shin-Shien Chen, Christoph G. Salzmann, Kuen-Chan Lee*, Er-Chieh Cho*, Charged polypeptide modified carbon nanotube materials and their toxicity analysis, 2014年台灣藥學會年會暨學術研討會,高雄,2014.
  13. 陳柏瑋, 劉昱希, 林上雯, 李昆展, 卓爾婕,* 官能化之奈米碳材料於人類癌細胞株之毒性評估. 102學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會, 臺北醫學大學, 2014.
  14. Er-Chieh Cho, Wei-Han Chen, Chris Yen, Yu-Shi Liu, Po-Wei Chen, Jing-Hao Ciou, Shang-Wen Lin, Christoph G. Salzmann, Yun Yen,* Kuen-Chan Lee,* Highly re-dispersible biopolymer modified carbon nanotube materials and its toxicity evaluation. The 5th International Nanomedicine Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2014.


  1. 113年度國科會專題研究計畫:共構奈米金粒子與石墨烯量子點修飾擔載抗癌藥物Doxorubicin及血漿蛋白於共振抑制癌症及預防蛋白質電暈現象之應用性探究-延續計畫
  2. 112年度國科會專題研究計畫:共構奈米金粒子與石墨烯量子點修飾擔載抗癌藥物Doxorubicin及血漿蛋白於共振抑制癌症及預防蛋白質電暈現象之應用性探究
  3. 111年度科技部專題研究計畫:三功能抗體(EGFR/CD3/mPEG)修飾之聚乙二醇-免疫增敏奈米藥物對於大腸癌之抗癌機制與腫瘤微環境調控之探討(3/3)
  4. 110年度科技部專題研究計畫:三功能抗體(EGFR/CD3/mPEG)修飾之聚乙二醇-免疫增敏奈米藥物對於大腸癌之抗癌機制與腫瘤微環境調控之探討(2/3)
  5. 109年度科技部專題研究計畫:三功能抗體(EGFR/CD3/mPEG)修飾之聚乙二醇-免疫增敏奈米藥物對於大腸癌之抗癌機制與腫瘤微環境調控之探討(1/3)
  6. 109年度科技部專題研究計畫:製備具有增強可見光光催化活性的溴氧化鉍材料及環境汙染物分解之應用(2/2)
  7. 108年度科技部專題研究計畫:製備具有增強可見光光催化活性的溴氧化鉍材料及環境汙染物分解之應用(1/2)
  8. 107年度科技部專題研究計畫:以帶電胜肽分子及醛基修飾擔載抗癌藥物curcumin之石墨烯量子點進行提升癌症治療效率的應用性研究(2/2)
  9. 106年度科技部專題研究計畫:以帶電胜肽分子及醛基修飾擔載抗癌藥物curcumin之石墨烯量子點進行提升癌症治療效率的應用性研究(1/2)
  10. 105年度科技部專題研究計畫:引入hydrazone bond複合奈米石墨烯量子點與doxorubicin藥物在癌症幹細胞治療的應用性研究(2/2)
  11. 104年度科技部專題研究計畫:引入hydrazone bond複合奈米石墨烯量子點與doxorubicin藥物在癌症幹細胞治療的應用性研究(1/2)
  12. 103年度科技部專題研究計畫:抗癌藥物及透明質酸修飾之奈米碳管材料做為癌症幹細胞抑制及治療的平臺建立


1. Materials Research Contribution Award, Asian Pacific Society for Materials Research, 2016 
2. 107年度教育部特殊優秀人才獎勵
3. 108年度科技部特殊優秀人才獎勵
4. 109年度教育部特殊優秀人才獎勵
5. 110年度教育部特殊優秀人才獎勵
6. 111年度教育部特殊優秀人才獎勵
7. 112年度教育部特殊優秀人才獎勵
8. 113年度教育部特殊優秀人才獎勵


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